If you have landed here, this is a brief statement concerning this Group.
This group is for those who reside in the Greater Kansas City Missouri/Kansas Area and are interested in the discussion of some of the Esoteric Mysteries of life.
Current topics of discussion may include:
Esoteric Masonry
Golden Dawn
Hermetic Studies
Magickal Studies
Thelemic Studies
Other Western Mystery Traditions
(This is not an all inclusive list and will grow or change as the interests of group changes.)
We encourage a wide and open discussion of topics of interest to the group. As these topics can lead to deep as well as divisive discussions, we ask that all who join be tolerant and open minded with others in the group. Each one of us brings to the group a unique perspective on life and each will be allowed to express their beliefs. A free and open discussion is what we desire and ask for in this group.
While political and religious discussions are interesting, we ask that they be kept to a minimum here as they have the tendency to spin out of control rather quickly.
No spamming, flaming, personal attacks upon individuals or groups or otherwise inappropriate behavior will be tolerated.
Membership is restricted and must be applied for.
©2003 - 2025 Kansas City Esoteric Society